Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Steve Smith is a witch! The man is sick. I've never seen a wide receiver take over multiple games in a row like this one has. It's truly a warm feeling to know that for once, the city of Charlotte is home to one of the sickest athletes of all time. Will there be a Steve Smith statue in front of Panther stadium one day? Will we see Steve inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and call out some DB as "GARBAGE" ? We can only hope so. Now, one more game to go before the Panthers can go to Super Bowl XL. At this point, w/o Deshean Foster, I don't know if we can squeeze by the Seattle Seahawks, but I'm hoping, I'm praying! Thank God for Steve Smith!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Today's the day! Carolina Panthers vs Dallas Cowboys. Growing up a Redskins fan, I've always had a deep hatred and contempt for the Cowboys. Then as the dynasty fell with the Panthers win against Aikman and the boys in 1996, these last years for Dallas has been an amusing thing for me. To top it off, the last time the Cowboys visited the playoffs, two years ago, it was again the Panthers which squelched their playoff run, right here in Charlotte. So now today, we get to celebrate again the failure of the Dallas franchise to get a sniff of a playoff win in more than a decade.

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